Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Free Parking Through iPhone App

Free Parking Through iPhone App: "

brokenmeters1209.jpg Of all the NYC Big Apps contenders (Taxihack is one), we think the NYC Broken Meters will be the most used and abused. The app uses the city's own data to locate broken meters, allowing users to score free parking! The NY Post points out that under city law, parking at broken-meter spots is permitted 'for at least an hour.'

Most shocking is that the city made the data available specifically for the app, and the creator, Raviv Turner, says it's a win-win situation 'because it may help motivate the city to fix broken meters.' Turner also hopes in the next version users will be able to upload information on broken meters not yet listed, though drivers may not be anxious to alert The Man of the free parking they've scored.

Right now you can locate about 1,000 busted meters using the app. Check out the top 10 Big Apps here; there's something for cyclists, tree lovers, dog owners, foodies... none for stroller pushers though. What other apps would New Yorkers find useful?

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